Though mental health difficulties mostly present as psychological problems (emotional or otherwise), they often have an underlying chemical disturbance. This means that there is a change in the body's production of certain chemicals (neurotransmitters, hormones, etc.) which can affect the individual's ability to perform daily activities or create difficulties through behavioral, emotional, psychosomatic or other issues.
A psychiatrist deals with such issues primarily through pharmacotherapy (i.e. the prescription of medication), which helps to regulate the chemical imbalance in the individual's system, providing the individuals with the support they need.
At Mind Professionals, Dr. Sheheryar Jovindah, a UK-qualified and dual-trained Consultant Child, Adolescent and Adult Psychiatrist, who leads and supervises the multidisciplinary team of professionals, is the primary psychiatrist. He deals with all psychological and psychiatric issues and conditions for all ages; working towards the proper assessment, diagnosis and management of their conditions. He firmly believes in prescribing medication only if and when required, and in the use of therapy alongside any such prescribed medication.
There are a number of myths surrounding psychiatric medication, which drown out the benefits one can hope to achieve through pharmacotherapy. In reality, medication for a mental health issue is no different than taking, for instance, medication for diabetes or any other physical illness. It is also important to know that, at Mind Professionals, any medication prescribed is not addictive, and may not have to be taken long-term if early diagnosis and management take place.