Psychotherapy or talk therapy is a form of therapy, that helps the client address behavioral and emotional problems as well as offer help in coping with such problems. According to the American Psychological Association the aim of psychotherapy is to help a person deal with mental illnesses and emotional problems in a way that they can manage them better and improve their physical and mental well-being.
When can Psychotherapy Help?
Psychotherapy can help people deal with a number of situations, from problems and stressors facing everyday life as well as more severe mental illness. Some of them include:
- Develop personal strengths and getting clarity on life goals and developing personal strengths.
- Dealing with the loss of loved ones (bereavement).
- Dealing with troubled relationships.
- Dealing with emotional problems including depression, anxiety and panic disorders.
- Managing emotions including stress-management and anger-management.
- Dealing with traumatic life events as well as cope with PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder).
- Tailored psychotherapy can also be used to treat several fears and phobias.
- Alleviate symptoms and deal with a range of more severe mental illnesses including but not limited to bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, psychosis and dementia.
- Eating disorders such as anorexia.
- Coping with and getting rid of addictions including alcoholism, drug use, as well as smoking.